failed ttc frustration


I have been trying to concieve for years with different ex partner and my current partner but I have never fallen pregnant we did everything right baby danced at the right time I take my golic acid I eat healthier I drink mire water I try to get enough sleep I am think it might be me with a issue but I'm jot sure how to ho about getting a fertility test to see if I am fertile or infertile and possibly get my grande one too as he sometimes struggles in the tyc process I'm just so frustrated I am doing everything right apart from smoking which I've cut down on the amount i smoke it is so frustrating time after time reading a negative test we started thinking if baby dancing only gor fun to take the pressure off us incase that was making it difficult to conceive I can't help but feel it will never happen and I will never start my own family I'm so frustrated and sad I feel like giving up completely