For women with guys younger than them


I've got a question for the women in relationships with guys that are a year (or more even) younger than them. (A few questions actually)

1. How long have you guys been together?

2. How you feel about the guy being younger?

3. How do you manage them being younger

4. How much younger are they?

I am currently with a guy a year younger and a couple months younger than me... and I just can't get other their mentality. They are mature is some areas but not in others. I like him because of how caring he is and because he is knowledgeable in starting a business. However, when it comes to priorities, and how to solve or get over problems they just don't click with him. And that is pretty frustrating to me. I don't mind helping him grow and learn but at the same time he's hard headed and doesn't want to listen and he doesn't know how to take blame for his actions or words..I'm trying to give him a chance but I dont know how long I should keep it up feeling like I'm his mentor almost or just teaching him the healthy/non-toxic ways of a relationship. I'm all about growth but I also don't want to put my growth on hold for someone else ☹️. I dont know what to do... or how to go about it. I've met a lot of his family already. And he says he loves me. But my patience is very little for high-school stuff and for guys thinking they can just talk to me however. I need help/advice.