Just found we are having twins, AGAIN!!

I have Identical twin boys who are 3 years old. We wanted one more, and someone had other plans for us. Finally got in to see my doctor at almost 14 weeks (she's a really great doctor, so she's very busy) and we found out we are having twins again. I'm in total shock. Now we have to get a new car and probably find a bigger house and I'm so worried how we are going to handle all this. My husband seems a little less stressed than me but I'm sure he'll freak out sooner or later! I'm also worried about the pregnancy in general and praying all goes smoothly, they are di/di this time so less risk than my boys as far as we know now. I've been so sick the past few months and already feel bad about not being able to enjoy my boys as much. Anyway what a shock of our lives! I hope we can handle this! This time I want better sleepers and eaters!! :)