Round ligament pain? Where do you feel it?


I’m 14.5 weeks. The last couple days, especially in the mornings, I’ve had some pains. They’re so hard to describe because they vary, some are dull and crampy (what I’ve just assumed are uterus growing pains) but a couple times I’ve had such a sudden sharp pain that it’s taken my breath away. There’s not a set rhythm or space between them, and I know I could have been better hydrated than I was. I haven’t had any bleeding. Wondering if it’s round ligament pain, but I always assumed that pain would feel more on the surface of my belly, kind of like if you pulled a muscle? This pain feels deep down inside where I believe my uterus to be (center, just above pubic bone). Any ideas of what this could be or if I should be concerned? This is my second pregnancy. My first was a breeze, never felt anything like this.