Timing for sex…


After many unsuccessful cycles I’m so frustrated and discouraged 😣

My husband has a low libido and also has a hard time finishing sometimes when we do have sex. It’s completely random and depends on his condition that day. So naturally this makes it difficult to time sex for ttc.

Though we always have at least one good session within the fertile window, I can’t help but feel like this could be the reason we’ve been unsuccessful so far.

I bought preseed to use for this next cycle but now I’m wondering if we should hold off on sex completely until I get a positive opk so that he’ll be more likely to be in a good condition and we will have optimal timing even if it’s just one session.

He has promised to go get checked by the end of the year if I don’t get pregnant but honestly if I am being selfish and honest I want him to go before then for the sake of our marriage and intimacy. He’s been this way all 5 years of our marriage and his whole life according to him.

What do you guys think? What’s the best plan here?