Judgmental in laws

Lea • Lea M Dodds

Does anyone else have judgmental in laws. We were at a family gathering and his sister and brother in law was judging all the parents that had kids. They only have a 3 month old and they are giving him water, baby food, and everything he can't handle but no one says a word to her about it but they make rude comments. Yes we are expecting another child and she made the comment to me why have another one when the first time didn't go well but yet my son is 18Ms and healthy. The hospital did try to induce me at 37 weeks for 3 days nothing went as they hoped got to 6cm before my water broke then on the 3rd day c section and we stayed for another 3 days but this time around it will be a schedule c section and 3 days top. My blood pressure was high my last one but nothing medicine couldn't manage. So what complications did I have.