I feel like my boyfriend doesn't care.

I just texted him,"I already know that I am the only one that can make myself feel this way. I feel alone, worthless, not good enough... like nothing. I don't even know where this low self esteem is coming from. It's a vicious cycle." He says,"we talked about this the other day, you are the person making you feel like that. it could be from the birth control thing or its just you idk" and I reply,"I already said that. I don't think it's that. It's just me, like always." And finally he says,"there's nothing i can do to help, you have to take my advice on what I said about it the other day".
It's like I'm something you brush off your shoulder. The reason I feel like this, because of him. The other day he told me, I'm the reason our sex sucks, I'm the reason why he distanced himself, I'm the reason why he can't be a "real" boyfriend because I don't open myself up to him... All I see is the fault in myself. He has his faults too but it's always reflected on me. I don't feel like I can be loved.