Oral sex

Hey guys, I need some advice. I absolutely love making my boyfriend feel good through oral sex however it grosses me out really badly because I can start to smell my own saliva. Does anyone else struggle with this?? Any advice on how to combat it??

I always brush my teeth and use mouthwash and just overall have good dental hygiene. My breath never smells bad it’s just the saliva smell is always there

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Posted at
I spray some perfume or cologne on the skin right above his crotch but just under his bellybutton, it’ll block any crotch smell and also saliva smell!


Posted at
Ever heard of oil pulling? Great for killing bacteria in the mouth. I do it 5x a week for 20 mins with coconut oil. First thing in the morning on an empty stomach and do not swallow the oil it will raise your cholesterol. Do your research hope this helps! 👍🏼


Posted at
Do you brush your teeth right before you give him a B.J? That's what I do with my husband and it helps.


Posted at
then brush your teeth . 😅


ashley • Jun 12, 2022
I do, mouthwash as well. I keep very well dental hygiene and my breath doesn’t smell bad there is just always that lingering saliva smell. It doesn’t smell bad, just again smells like saliva.