Is it wrong for your boyfriend mom to let his babymama stay wit her on holidays while I stay home!

I'm going to try to make this short. Need serious advice at the moment. I been knowing this guy for  8 years now. We used to mess around back then when we both where single we where young, but at the same time always has feelings for each other. Well a year ago he had a baby with his gf. But they are not together anymore. I have no kids of my own. Me and him meet up around July and been dating since October this year. I been feeling uneasy maybe its jealousy. But what's going on is she send pics of his daughter to him every morning and night. Well me and him lives together now, but in another state like 7hours away. So maybe that's why she always sends him pics because of the distance. But every time I visit my family I bring him along because he has no car because of a wreck to see his daughter so I brings him. She drops his daughter off by one of his man friends and leaves. I never meet his daughter yet maybe because it's to early n he don't feel comfortable. Whenever the child crys she call him saying "I don't know what to do she won't stop crying" things like that or when she had a flat tire he pays to get it fix. He gives her money every month, likes he suppose to cause he is not on child support. On holidays this mom let her stay to her house because she wants to see her granddaughter. And admits she is taking advantage of the woman still wanting to be with her son. So this Christmas I will not be with him I will be home while he is with her and his family and all his other family will be their. Oh I never meet anyone else in his family except his mom, brother and one aunt. It makes me feel like the other woman and she is the gf. For Halloween it was the same, his mom let her stay to her house but my boyfriend was living with his mom at the time because he just move and was looking for a new place. I felt uneasy that he was now under the same roof wit his x gf/ babymama. Yes she did try to make a pass at him but from what I heard he wasn't falling for it. I told him to tell his mom she is wrong and disrespected our relationship but he said its out of his control. But the woman never started behaving like this until she found out he had started dating again. She didn't care about holidays or him even seeing his daughter even tho he try to see her, until we started dating. I feels she is trying to play family with him, maybe she didn't think he would get serious with another woman, and she always talks bad about me on social media example" I be damn if I let a b***h comes between me and my child's future, you got me f**k up" things like that, I don't know what she means, but when I talk to him about it he acts like its nothing but never confront her about it , he tells me I better not tell her nothing. I'm sorry it's so longs lady's... But plz help me, it's a lot more things but with the info I just gave you, am I just being played for a fool here, do u think he still care for this woman.