cooked crab legs While pregnant

Ladies i need your inputs on sea food cooked crab legs i had 1 crab leg and some corn potatoes and egg I hear so much about dont eat sea food because itll harm the baby or that you could miscarry. but i also hear crab legs is safe just dont eat it all the time .

today i ate sea food crab legs but now im so scared i might have put my baby in harm and im so scared. is it safe to eat sea food ? crab legs if its fully cooked? or should i have no eaten it. im 11w 3d pregnant with baby #1 and i dont want anything to happen to my baby.

i know Yall might say well you shouldn’t have ate it if your this worried but i was definitely craving it.

Some women said it’s completely fine to not worry about it so much that i should be ok if it was cooked

i just need inputs or opinions please should i be ok?

this is the only time id eat sea food