Reassurance needed! 😅


Heyyy all! So I’ve been ttc for about a year now with my SO. finallyyyy got positive test Memorial Day weekend! I unfortunately couldn’t remember my LMP date because Honestly, I was up to my head in <a href="">fertility apps</a> and realized it wasn’t helping my mental 😂 so I deleted them and of course, boom pregnant lol so we’re going off a guesstimate here.. had an ultrasound yesterday because they wanted to reassure me after having back aches, well it was the opposite almost! I’m measuring about 2 weeks earlier than I thought I was so around 5 weeks they said. Everything was perfectly placed and nestled in there from what they saw, but too early for a heartbeat which I understand. Had an hcg level today of 2200 which I also read was within the ranges for how I’m measuring. The nurse called me to tell me my level but wasn’t as reassuring as I thought she’d be, was just very generic. Waiting to get my 2nd hcg level on Thursday is horribleeeee. Anxiety on 10000 right now 😩 I read similar posts so hopefully someone can relate and ease my mind a little. Thank youuu! 🥰