Just ranting

Chardonnay • 🌻25🌻 mommy of 3

I wanted to wait till delivery to find out the baby gender because I have 2 girls and really wanted a boy considering this might possible be my last pregnancy. Well my husband kept telling me he didn't want to wait and blah blah and it ruined the whole mood bcs I thought it would be nice just to hold out this 1 time. I kept telling him just think of it as another girl and if we delivery a boy it would be even more of a shock for us. But every week he kept bickering about it so I just lost the mood to do it anymore. I had my anatomy scan last week and just told them to tell me the gender (my husband is away for work and comes back this coming Friday). I decided to tell him on Father's day that it's a baby BOY! I wasn't as happy as I thought I would be finally having a boy bcs it wasn't how I truly wanted to find out. Every other day since then he would ask "do you know the gender yet" and I would tell him no, because I wanted it to atleast do it in a fun way that would suprise him. Yesterday he asked again for the 5th time about the gender and it just killed the mood of even planing a gender reveal to him. I was about to just tell him straight up but I just went off on him about pestering me about it. I felt guilty after I did bcs I felt like I was taking my frustration out on him when it was me who decided to just find out the gender and it isn't like he wants a suprise gender reveal either... I'm happy baby is healthy and it's a boy like we wanted but I'm just disappointed about the whole ordeal. I really wanted to wait and it didn't go as I would've liked.