Silly me going to l&d

So today I went to l&d.

I’ve been having some kind of leak and wanted to make sure it wasn’t amniotic fluid.

This is my first pregnancy so I really don’t know much.

I am 38 weeks pregnant.

They hooked me up and monitored my baby’s heart rate and told me I was having some contractions. I had no idea because nothing was that painful. Well as I was hooked up I felt and heard baby moving, then had a shooting pain in my vagina. They told me it was round ligament pain. They checked the fluid first by this paper type which didn’t turn blue so then they wanted to do a swab, which came back inconclusive, then did an ultrasound then put a speculum inside me which hurt so bad! So the doctor was checking inside basically to see. Well turns out it’s nothing that big of a deal just some normal discharge which is good I guess. Tbh, I was really hoping for a baby anyways lol regardless since I left the hospital I’ve noticed some contractions, which before I went in had no idea what they even felt like. They don’t hurt so I assume they are Braxton hicks contractions. Which is normal. Anyways honestly I feel kind of dumb not knowing my water didn’t break and I really didn’t tell anyone besides my baby’s father I was going bc I don’t want to make anyone worry or get their hopes up on no baby. He did in fact open his mouth and when I was approached about it threw me way off. Like I try to keep in mind other peoples feelings and that’s also a way for me to not look like a stupid ftm because idk what to expect. I am glad I went, I have a better understanding about what to look out for.

Oh yeah and also I been at my baby daddy’s house there’s a hospital like 5-10 mins away so I just went there instead of my preferred hospital, won’t make that mistake again because they said if I did rupture I would have to deliver there instead of my prenatal hospital which is like a 40 min drive. Anyways yeah just venting about my day!