How often do u wash your bedding?

I was talking to a coworker today and was telling her that I'm wanting to buy thinner bed sheets, I'm going to wash my old ones and put them away until it get cold out again.

She looked at me like I just blew her mind.

"She said why would u wash them just to put them away?"

I ask why wouldn't I wash them? I wash them so they're clean when i put them back on.

She looks at me dead in my eyes and said I've never washed my bedding before!

Like ummmm what?!

Soooooo your laying in dirty, skin filled sheets!?

I couldn't believe it.. I asked her 3 times if she was joking and she was dead serious!

How often do u wash ur bedding??

I do at least once a week, maybe every 2 weeks I don't have time!