

Guys I am struggling HARD right now. I'm 23w6d. I work from home and my husband is a teacher. He decided this summer he didn't need to get a summer job because he got a significant pay raise next year. During the school year my husband volunteers a lot and coaches sports teams, he's gone from about 6am-5pm, and then there are days when he has competitions for the sports he's coaching which keep him out until 7 or so. I have our 3yo home too, and needless to say we had a good routine and had a lot of time together and had a system.

My husband being home has completely destroyed that and I'm feeling really overwhelmed by it. He constantly wants to be on the go, he goes to the grocery store 3x a week, he wants to do all our sons activities with him, and I'm feeling completely shut out of the picture because I can't keep up right now and I'm feeling a lot like everything is going to be meltdowns when dad goes back to work in August. Our sons behavior has already changed significantly with his dad home so much more and I'm constantly having to teach my husband how to talk to a 3yo. He talks a mile a minute and is very passive aggressive with our son as if he's an adult which I can already tell is confusing.

Anyone else struggle when their partner is on an extended leave from work?