4 Weeks Postpartum Question


My daughter was nursing very frequently over the last week (like 1.5-2 hours during the day but 3-4 usually overnight). I had thought my supply had dropped earlier in the week. Yesterday my husband had surgery and I had to be away from my little one for 6.5 hours. I noticed my breasts were hurting extremely bad. Once I got a chance, I pumped and got about 2.5 ounces out of one side and 1.5 out of the other but my breasts were still hurting. I ended up pumping twice with that amount and twice last night after she got home she breastfed and I had to pump once because I was still hurting. I started running a 101.8 fever which did come down with Ibuprofen. I don’t feel sick otherwise. I did have an emergency c section. I’m still running a fever today. I did call in to the doc and they aren’t too worried yet but instructed me to start some antibiotics my dr wanted me to have on hand in case of incisional infection. Has anyone else experienced this? I didn’t drink as much yesterday until I got home as I normally would but I ended up getting in 114 ounces of fluid prior to bed time.