Is Catholicism and religious fundamentalism societally regressive?

With the overturning of Roe v. Wade today giving US states the right to ban a*ortion entirely, I took a look at the protest signs of the people cheering and supporting this overturn. They’re all religious in some way, claiming the sanctity of life, God’s will, etc. Most, if not all, lean towards Catholicism or Christian fundamentalism. The Catholic Church today is publicly celebrating this overturn. This is making me think back to all the ways religious fundamentalism has thoroughly stalled societal progress as a whole. They are typically anti-science and were big criticizers of the Covid vaccine and Covid precaution measures. Throughout history, they have killed and isolated people for things they deemed evil, dubbing things as “witchcraft”, giving them the freedom to execute people by setting them on fire (mostly women, let’s not beat around the bush). They killed children who were physically or intellectually disabled, or encouraged parents to hide them away and not allow them into public. They also have long since always promoted the idea that women are lesser… lesser intelligence, lesser worth. Created by God to breed and rear the children and obey her husband. These beliefs are still preached today. My best friend teaches in a Catholic school, per her contract, birth control was not covered by her insurance, and She is barred from living with any men she is not married to. Long story, short question, but do you think, ultimately, this type of religious dogma is socially regressive? Does it stall progress?

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