
Sade • Mommy 🤰🏻

So I found out I am pregnant for the first time in my life and I was cramping and discharging. (I’m only 5 weeks)

The cramps feel like I’m going to start my period, that in itself makes me scared. I’m pretty sure I miscarried once. I’m just so scared because I want this baby so bad. Anyways, it feels like period cramps and scares me, but I was told it was my uterus expanding and not to worry. I’m still worried. Then I won’t have cramps and that scares me too, because I guess I have cramps and discharge to remind me that I’m pregnant but then when it stops I get scared.

So I guess my questions are

Is it normal to feel cramps, they *kind of* feel like period cramps but then kind of feel like your uterus is just growing AND IS IT normal for those cramps just to stop and I feel nothing?

Please let me know.

The last time I went to the hospital, it was a blood draw for my number’s and they doubled. Everything was okay.

I keep taking pregnancy tests just to make sure.

*If you comment, please don’t be me mean. I have bad anxiety. Please don’t say anything terrible. Thank you.

I might be over worrying, yes but it’s better than under worrying.