C section infected

had a c section 9 days ago, the midwife came to check my wound and take dressing off two days ago and she said it looked fine. Well this morning while cleaning it I noticed it smells quite bad (not really bad just a bit funky like sweaty) it’s really sore and itching and burning and has a small amount of yellowish discharge. It’s deffo infected. I can’t actually see it very well as I have a bit of an apron tummy at the mo

But I got my hubby to look and take a picture so I could see and it looks very red and angry. I’ve just cleaned it and dried it well. I rang midwife and she didn’t seem that bothered just said come tomorrow morning and she will check it and take some swabs. Im terrified it’s gonna progress and get infected quickly. Anyone had any experience with infection after c section? Any advice appreciated. Im getting myself in a right state thinking the worst that it will get badly infected and infection will spread and I’ll be deathly ill or am I being dramatic??