Kinda scared- please help


Hi for the past few days I’ve been having these small bumps , usually one or two, appear and disappear the next time. They’re itchy and not usually painful unless I touch them after I scratch them. The place I scratch them in appear flat but turn into bumps only after scratching. A clear liquid seems to kinda leak from them too after itching. I guess you could say they look kind of blistery in the middle of the pore too? They’ve been appearing on the lower part of my buttcheeks but they first started at the top of my vagina and migrated downwards. I can’t get tested anytime soon and I don’t know if they even count as herpes. My discharge seems to be fine. I asked the guy I was last with to get tested but he has yet to do it. He says he’s only had one partner who was also a virgin so there’s no way he has any stds. He says everything seems to look okay too. don’t know if I believe him though. I think I would’ve also had herpes appear on my lips by now?

I should also add the last time we did anything was in April

Any responses would help thanks!