Overnight flight... Tips and advice, please!


We're moving abroad in a couple months and will be taking our 3.5-year-old and 15-month-old on their first flight, which will likely be overnight transatlantic... with two cats and a crap ton of luggage.

While I know we'll survive, I'm really nervous and would greatly appreciate any tips or advice you guys might have!

Thanks so much!!!

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Following. We took our son when he was 2.5 and also when he was 1 year on long flights although not overnight. Something that helped us immensely was taking his car seat on the actual plane itself and having him buckled down because he stayed sitting the entire time (he does well in the car). This summer we won’t be doing that and we’ll be flying 5 hours during the day. I won’t lie I’m super nervous. Once he realizes he can get up and walk around the isles I’m sure it will be a tantrum. None the less- prepare lots of snacks, use overnight diapers just in case, fidget toys, we’ll probably purchase a few iPad apps he hasn’t seen before to keep him occupied. I recommend taking a stroller for the long airport waits and it’s super handy to use a stroller to carry a child but also some bags. This year he won’t be doing that because we’re using an airline that charges a lot extra for carryons. Soo I am prepared for the worst 😂 my child is a handful though. Good luck!