Child concerns


So because I don’t have an appointment with her pediatrician until next month I’m going to state my concerns here to see if anyone else has gone through this or can advise me on what to do. My daughter turned 3 in june. My biggest concern with her is that she hardly eats. I’ll serve her a meal such as waffles, eggs and yogurt and she’ll only eat the waffle. I’ll serve her rice, beans, and a quesadilla and she only eats rice. I feel like she’s been getting worse at eating and I’m not sure why. (I think she is a bit sick since started school so could be a reason). It just worries me because idk if she’s eating enough or not. Another concern is that she doesn’t pee that much? I try getting her to go every 2 hours or so but she refuses to try and I don’t want to force it (maybe I should try more?). She drinks fluids like milk, water and juice so I’m not sure if she’s dehydrated or just holding it in? It’s concerning though because it can be 3 in the afternoon and she still hasn’t gone. Idk I should wait until I see her pediatrician next month or is there someone I can talk to or what? I just want her to be okay