Another rant/vent.


Does anyone else have grandparents or family that are uninvolved in helping watch their kids? We rarely if ever go out. We never ask anyone to watch him and on the few occasions we have, it's like pulling teeth and we always get a "Well I guess I can but I had this planned or this planned, I wish you had given me more notice" so we just stopped asking. We haven't had a date in months.

My husband and I are celebrating our 5 year marriage anniversary this Friday and I'm just kind of in my feels today about nobody offering to ever take our son so we can have a date night. But then my MIL guilt trips us all the time saying she never sees our son and he isn't going to know who she is, but never makes an effort to make plans unless we drive to see her. She lives about 30 mins away and she complains about gas prices but she drives all over the place to see her friends and her parents, and my sister in laws kids which she offers to take all the time.

It just hurts. On top of that, my grandparents practically raised me. I was at their house almost everyday as a kid & almost every weekend. My step Mom lives an hour away and would gladly take him any chance she could get, but of course the grandparents he has here could care less. I know he's my child and we made the decision to have a child so it's nobody else's responsibility, but just ONCE I wish someone would say hey, you guys deserve a night out can I take him?'s moreso I just wish he had more time with his grandparents than us actually getting free time. I was so close with my grandparents.