Change of career

I am a nurse. I just feel stuck. I am tired of going in everyday scared that something bad is going to happen because I have a one nurse to 32 patient ratio. I’m tired of not getting the opportunity to learn more about nursing and progress because I don’t get the opportunity anymore with how things are in the world. I’m thinking about going back to school, but I don’t know what I want to do. I would love to go to work everyday and not feel scared like I might be putting someone at risk if I don’t have the proper support. I love helping people, I also love puzzles and numbers and figuring things out. (Yea I know there are literal hundreds of careers that fit such a broad description). I feel like I felt back in highschool like a fish out of water not knowing what to do. Does anyone have a career that they would love to share? Or maybe some education advice? Thanks and sorry for the rant.