What is going on with me? What do you all think ?


Firstly, I am 10 months postpartum and am breastfeeding. I have had two periods in this time, April and 17th May which lasted a week whereas they use to be 3 days long. I didn’t have one in June and I’ve not had one since.

So here is where the confusion lies : So I had a BFP last Saturday. I then did a Clear Blue ‘How many Weeks’ pregnancy test the next day and it said I was 2-3 weeks since conception.

Yesterday I went to an early pregnancy scan as I ignored the Clear Blue 2-3 since conception result and went by my last period (17th May) which from yesterday would make me just over 8 weeks pregnant.

At the scan only a gestational sack was seen along with a double decidual sac sign (that measures 3-4 weeks) which is a feature on an early pregnancy ultrasound to confirm an early intrauterine pregnancy (IUP) when the yolk sac or embryo is still not visualised.

I have been told to go back in two weeks time for another scan to see if things have progressed.

Another point is from last Saturday when Clear Blue told me conception was 2-3 weeks ago that takes us to 3 weeks before when I had egg white cervical mucus as I took a picture of it and my partner thinks we may have had sex that weekend but we can’t say for sure.

So what is going on here ?

Is this a blighted ovum meaning a miscarriage is imminent as according to the first day of my last period I am just over 8 weeks so my body should now start recognising that something isn’t right ?

Or did I ovulate but not get a period last month and the Clear Blue is right and I’m now nearly 4 weeks since I did the test about a week ago?

Be great to get peoples thoughts on this as I’m really confused. Thanks in advance