Looking for Advice/Opinions


My period is almost 2 weeks late now. I have multiple other pregnancy symptoms like fatigue, sore breasts, and occasional nausea. I had taken a total of 4 dollar tree pregnancy tests in the past week because I’ve been told they work better than name brand. However, they’ve been negative. So I decided to try Clearblue and see what results I get. But now I’m even more confused. There’s barely even the main line there. And the small window on the right is supposed to be a control line, right? It’s completely blank. What does this mean? What should I do? I don’t have a Gynecologist at the moment and the one I’d like to see books appointments over a month out. Should I find an Ob/Gyn that could get me in sooner?? Wouldn’t they just dismiss me if all the urine tests come out negative?

Just any advice would be great right now.

Please and thank you.