Low egg count and low sperm count


Hi everyone,

Can anyone give me hope ?

I’m 24 years old with a egg count of 5.6% and my partner is 26 years old with sperm count in the thousands with low sperm movement.

We were told they can only offer us <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>,

Which is so expensive. I’m looking at going through my super but I’m so upset and so stressed I just don’t what to do.

We have been trying for 4 years and been together for 7 years.

Everyone around me is pregnant and I have to plan two baby showers . I just don’t feel like anyone understands as everyone’s response is “ it will be your time soon” or “ I got pregnant by just looking at it “

Sorry to have a cry but I just don’t know anyone else in my situation.