How do I get him on board?

I have been with my husband since we were 16, we are now 26 and ready in every way to start a family... Graduated college and working on masters degrees both have full time fabulous jobs... And he's so afraid and keeps saying he's not ready I told him I am fine waiting until he is ready knowing it is the largest commitment either of us have ever made. Truth be told it's killing me and I don't want to talk to him more about it because I feel like it pushes him farther away from wanting to have a baby soon. We had planned that we would be trying currently but he's still not ready, we (yes we decided together) even went as far as stopping birth control 6 months ago but now he's so nervous he uses a condom and it's awful!!! I don't know what to do if anything? Any advise or encouragement would be great!