Ditching pacifier at 3 months - anyone else have done it?

Karolina • Polish Mom with three boys Dawid 8/28/2017, Filip 7/27/2019 and Oskar 4/22/2022 - Living in Kansas.

We decided to ditch the pacifier because we were playing the spot out-insert back to his mouth during nap and nighttime. I also thought that it is maybe preventing him from connecting the sleep cycles…we are on to day night 3 today and he is getting better without it. He never really needed it during the day. But I’m curious if anyone has done it and if you offer pacifier during the naps or when they are fussy during that day? I don’t know if that would remind him at night that he gets it sometimes but not during the night?

He is now able to sleep longer chunks of time at night, I have not noticed improvement with naps, still short and wakes up upset.