Pulling on right ovary


Hello! I have started my period 2 days ago… during these two days it has been lighter than usual but this has been the case my last two cycles and might be becoming my new normal. I felt on my right side around my ovary a sore pulling sensation that I can only describe in my head as a tendon or something attacked the my ovary that pulls up into my stomach when I inhale and expand my stomach and when I bend over. Is not excruciating pain but it’s out of place and now 2 days later I am expecting my period to kick in and it isn’t. This sound so crazy but it feels backed up? And that spot on my right side near the ovary feels limited in motion like I can feel it so much that it feels fragile. Almost as if I can make the wrong move and snap this “string”.

This is the weirdest thing so I know it must sound crazy. Has anyone had a similar situation? Thanks