My little ROCKSTAR! 🤩

Sheldon • Baby Schroeder due April 2022

I just have to take a minute to brag about my rockstar baby girl! She was diagnosed with tetralogy of fallot at my 20 week anatomy scan. We were told that her heart is repairable but that she would most likely need a feeding tube for a while after birth and may potentially need a smaller surgery right after birth. They said that babies with heart defects tend to have a hard time growing but that she wasn’t having that problem at all. She was born April 11th weighing 7lbs 10 oz. She was supposed to have a 2 week PICU stay to be monitored. It was determined that she did NOT need surgery right after birth and that she was eating perfectly and did not need a feeding tube. She is so amazing that she went home after only 4 days. Then at 2 months old she went in for her open heart surgery. We were told that her stay would be 2-4 weeks. Her surgery went PERFECT and once again she amazed the doctors and went home after only 4 days. She is now 5 weeks post surgery and THRIVING!!