

My stress level feels over the roof. On Friday, my husband was in a really bad car accident. Thankfully, everyone involved was ok and our kids were not in the car with him. Basically, someone sped through a red light and hit him. Their car ended up on top of his. They were insured and immediately claimed fault, but our truck (which we just paid off) is a complete loss. Meanwhile, I’ve been diagnosed with GD and my glucose levels are all over the place from really high, to really low. Both of my kid are acting horrible. I feel like it’s for attention from my daughter, but my 2 year old his hitting, biting, and pinching. His daycare teachers tell us he is the best behaved kid in his class. He doesn’t really understand that a new baby is coming so I don’t think that is why he is acting out. He’s speech delayed so he can’t really express why he is upset to us. It’s a constant guessing game. My boss is really pushing me to take a promotion that I don’t want and I work in education so as any teacher knows, back to school is the most stressful time of the year.

Basically, I’m really overwhelmed, but everyone keeps telling me not to stress for the baby. Easier said than done…

Thanks for letting me rant.