Eating plenty but not gaining weight...?

Jessica • 👶💖 4/28/2022

Got some very upsetting news yesterday. 😭

At my LO's 2 month appointment the pediatrician wasn't satisfied with her weight gain (12oz in one month), so they scheduled us a 3 month appointment just to check her growth. Well at her 3 month appointment yesterday I was very upset to learn that she hadn't grown in height or head circumference, or gained any fact she's lost 4oz! I was so surprised as she has been eating well, having 8-10 wet diapers a day, is hitting her milestones, and is just generally a happy, non-fussy baby.

She's breastfed, eats roughly every 1.5-2.5 hours during the day (fed on demand), and sleeps through the night roughly an 8-10 hour stretch. Doctor has us supplementing 1-2oz formula at the end of each daytime feed to try and get her some extra calories since she's not getting enough from my milk, and has me waking her once at night to get an extra feed in so she's not going so long between.

Anyone had this issue before and have any stories to share or recommendations? Her pediatrician is hoping that doing this temporarily will help get her back on track, we have a follow-up appointment in 2 weeks.