Sick dog

We had to put our dog down tonight. He was completely fine all weekend, running, playing and being his fun playful self then come Monday he got all lethargic, puked up all his food, had blood in his urine, and could hardly walk so we took him to the vet. While at the vet his health started to decline at lighting speed. His red blood cell count dropped, he developed a heart murmur, he because hypothermic and still could not use his back legs. We’re baffled at how he declined so fast. And we have no answers as to what he was sick with. The vet told us there was a mass in his prostate that could be cancerous but also could be benign. They suggested sending him to a care centre to get more tests done but it would cost us $5000. Money we did not have. Our other option was to euthanize as he was already in so much pain.

My children are gutted, my whole family is heart broken, I don’t even know how I’m going to get thru this as every part of my house reminds me of him. But what really bothers me is how fast he got sick without any warning. Has this ever happened to anyone else here? He was only 6 years old too so he wasn’t that old yet.

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Posted at
I’m so sorry. Yes, we have had pets decline incredibly quickly and unfortunately, even with necropsy, there is no guarantee to understand why. It’s absolutely traumatic and heartbreaking and SO hard. It’s not a great comparison, but it’s kind of like my grandma who was fine (old and not in great health, but very much stable and no imminent issues) who we put off seeing for one day because the baby was cranky and we just wanted to get home at 4pm, to being woken up by my dad at 5am the next day to tell she had passed away. Sometimes it’s just time. It doesn’t make it better, but it does happen. Hoping you all can find light in this dark time ❤️


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My one year old cat whom i loved and bonded with SO much, over a span of a couple days maybe three she became very sick. We were also actively moving during those days so i thought she was stressed out cause i googled and all signs pointed to her being stressed. Third day day we finally are moved into our place i take her to the vet because she was hiding (not normal for her) and not eating. She also started drooling that day and her breath smelt HORRID. Turns out she had kidney failure, the vet thinks she ate something that poisoned her. I still cry about her often. 🤍 I am so sorry for your loss.


ma • Aug 5, 2022
i’m so sorry💔


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First I want to say I am SO sorry this happened. I know this is very traumatic.I want to tell you that I have been through something very similar. My generally healthy 7 year old dog was fine one day and the next incredibly ill. She was hot and vomiting. We took her to a hospital we had always trusted and we were given zero answers but charged SO much money. Literally we were told "I don't know, it could be this or this but I don't know". My dog was sent home with antibiotics, though there was no diagnosed infection, and she declined through the night. We rushed her into the emergency vet hospital and were told she would be given fluids and we should be able to pick her up the next day. The vet called us and told us she wasn't going to make it and we rushed back to the vet to be with our dog. Apparently her blood glucose was so low it didn't even register and she was hypothermic as well. She had a bad seizure and was sedated and never woke up. She died before we got into the parking lot to be by her side.We were given zero answers. I wasn't even able to make a decision. She declined so fast. I have so much anger towards the vet that sat across from me as I was sobbing asking her what happened to my dog as she just said in a rather annoyed tone "I don't know." It was so devastating. I know so much that feeling of looking everywhere in your house being reminded of your pet. I did pack away all of my dogs things because it was so painful to see everywhere but we did make a special place in our home to display a picture and the box that contains my dogs ashes which does bring me comfort.These are things I don't wish on anyone and I'm so sorry this happened to your family.


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I’m so sorry you are going through this 💔 The day before I went into labor, my dog was fine. She played and ate. I had her since I was 12. I was 26 when it all happened and when I finally conceived my first child. I was excited. She was about 14 years old. But she was fine the day I left for the hospital. My parents watched her which they did often when I would go anywhere. Two days, we finally got to go home and I went to introduce my baby boy to his fur sister, and she was limping. We took her to the vet and they said it was arthritis. Gave her some meds. It got worse. Another trip to the vet- they did an X-ray. Still said it was arthritis and gave her some strong pain meds. After about 10 days, she wasn’t walking, eating, not even her favorite foods, wouldn’t drink. I’d have to hold her outside for her to use the bathroom. She was yelping in pain consistently every few minutes. I held her and cried with her. Then the last day, I went to pick her up to help her with meds and try convince her to eat, and her leg was purple. Almost black. And had a sore on it. It was on a Sunday so we had to call emergency vet to come in. He had the audacity to ask us if we stepped or ran over her leg. I made her a memory foam bed out of a pillow. She stayed in it. There was only 3 adults and a newborn. No one hurt her. I was mad he accused us of that. I would have give up my own leg even both, if I knew it would have saved her. He said he wasn’t going to charge us, but he wanted to do another X-ray. Turns out she had bone cancer. A tumor grew on her femur and wasn’t visible in the first X-ray, and shattered her bone. The cancer had spread too much and he said at most she’d have 6 months WITH treatment but at her state of health, she wouldn’t have lasted even a few days. I didn’t really get a choice when he brought out the needle. I still cry thinking about her and that was November 2018. The fact it happened in less than 2 weeks still makes me feel like I should have saw signs or took her to another vet. But she was fine.


Posted at
I am so sorry. I have no experience like this to lend any advice, but I recall commenting on your other post and i’m here again to say how sorry I am❤️


Posted at
I am so sorry, my heart goes out to you and your family. 🙏🏻


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I'm sorry for the loss of your dog. It's rough when you lose them so suddenly, especially when they're young and should be far from death. It happened to a cat I had when my youngest was a newborn. One day he literally was attempting to steal fries off the counter and the very next day I found him dying in my closet. Held him for not even 5 minutes before he died in my lap. No time to get him to a vet or anything. There was bloody, strong smelling urine in the closet where I found him. The vet suspected that it was kidney related. He was very young, a little over a year old.