Caffeine “addiction” help


So I’ve been an avid cola drinker for a long time. Lately I find myself not enjoying the taste so much. But my brain keeps telling me “caffeine!!!” So I’m looking for ways to sort of wean off while avoiding the headaches and crashes. I am 42, a full time college student, working full time hours in retail with 2 kids (teenager with pretty big mental health issues and preteen with a TON of energy) and a partner who works away from home 28 days and home for 28 days. I’m not a fan of tea and I do enjoy coffee but only in the morning and usually only 1 maaaaaaybe 2 depending on the day.

TL:DR best way to wean off caffeine without headaches or crashing into an energy less abyss as I sit here drinking an ice coke Coke.