Coming to share with you all to NOT BUY First Response Comfort Check!!!

I have been testing with FRER since 2018 and have always used FRER to determine pregnancies early on, I’m a bit of a testaholic when TTC. In my experience, I have gone through chemical pregnancies, early miscarriages, missed miscarriages and also gave birth to my first and only child… all pregnancies I has been testing with FRER.

I have come across an indent/evap lines in the past, however, nothing compares to the false positives that are coming out of the FRER in the comfort check boxes. I only started purchasing those the last two months and every box I have purchased led me to believe I was monitoring early pregnancies, they also appear to get slightly darker. When I would then purchase more tests to monitor progression, I purchased the FRER box, not the comfort check, all the sudden they were stark white.

Also are these comfort check boxes new!?? As mentioned, been testing since 2018, never seen them since this year. Seems like a scam to have women continue purchasing more. Also the test strips are crap IMO.

I’ve seen people post about the issues they have been having with “indents” with FRER, I wonder if they had also been buying the comfort check boxes?? (it seems like a bargain but not worth it). I also wouldn’t even call these test results indents, they look like pink 100% early positives.

Anyway, that’s all. Wanted to share to hopefully save others some money and their mental health.

Posting some examples, which you may have seen on here as I posted for feedback and everyone agreed for the most part vvfl. I thought they were chemicals, but I now believe otherwise since it was back to back months and thought about the new purchase of comfort boxes vs regular. Feel free to comment any of your experiences/examples as well!

Last month (believed it was a chemical):

This month, “progression” until I purchased the regular tests to continue to monitor and within maybe 4 hours i retested with regular FRER, stark white. I’m no stranger to chemicals, this most certainly was not a chemical. And certainly not back to back so quick…