Miracle baby

Tearra • “For this Child I have Prayed” 1 Samuel 1:27 . Praying to one day conceive and carry full term . I long to be a mother one day 💕💙 God answers prayers: Baby Lex due 11/1/2022

Hey guys , I am so grateful for this opportunity to gift each other . I was diagnosed with endometriosis after years of being misdiagnosed . Never thought I would be able to have children but here I am with our first bundle of joy . I recently found out that my cervix is shortening and thinning waaayyy too early (I’m 28w) snd they are worried about me going into pre-term labor. With that being said we haven’t gotten much for the bay because obviously we thought we had more time and also wanted to wait until the baby shower to see what gifts we would get . So now we are scrambling to get things just in cause little bean decides to make his appearance earlier than he should. Any gift would be so helpful and so so appreciated . Thank you 💖