Ftm - menstrual cramps start of labor??

So I’ve had braxton hicks for many weeks but this week especially the past 3 days they are very strong and frequent abdomen tightening, like can’t breathe and very painful, but still not consistent as they will start for 3 hours very consistent then stop for a few hours before starting again. It’s exhausting. But last night after another evening of these regular tightening contractions, they were suddenly replaced with menstrual cramps. I’ve had a few tightening contractions in the night, but I am still mainly having these low menstrual-type cramps instead that feels like i do during a really heavy period, but I have no bleeding. I was woken up by my baby flipping breech again 😭😭. And still cramping but without bleeding or fluids, and no more tightening right now. Does anyone have an experience like this? In the normal morning hours I’m going to call my doula. My husband is supposed to go out of town for a few days and idk if I should tell him labor is coming so he should cancel. I’m so beyond exhausted and don’t know what to make of these cramps replacing the tightening contractions.