5 dpo 💖 can’t wait to test!

Bryana • 💖 Trying for something great

Today is the 5th day and I’m experiencing cramps and very light spotting, I have a good feeling about this. My period isn’t due for another 8 days, probably won’t test for about 2/3 more days.👏🏽 fingers crossed 🤞🏽😍🥰

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Posted at
You're probably doing the right thing in waiting a 2-3 more days as if takes a couple of days for hCG to rise after implantation. Good luck!! Keep us updated! ✨✨


Posted at
I know the feeling!! 🥲🥲🥲


Posted at
Spotting is usually before and leading up to ovulation. How are you tracking and confirming ovulation?


Me • Aug 14, 2022
The app doesn’t know your body or when you ovulate or if you ovulated. Too early for ib so it’s not that. If you want accuracy you need to actually track your cycle with opks to let you know when your about to ovulate and BBT to confirm ovulation and you will know when you ovulated, dpo, luteal phase length (is from the day after ovulation to period which stays the same each cycle give or take 1-2 days. Average length is 12-14 days give or take 1-2 days.) when period is coming by temp drop or if you miss your period and your temp stays up then there is a chance for pregnancy


Bryana • Aug 14, 2022
Actually spotting can occur before and directly after ovulation, I use this app to keep track of my period and ovulation. I’m implying this is most likely implantation blood or a tiny bit of breakthrough bleeding.