Rainbow baby 🌈 April 12, 2023 🤞🏽


My husband and I have been TTC since May of 2021 and since trying we’ve experienced an ectopic pregnancy in November 2021, and back to back miscarriages in May 2022 and June 2022. 🥺 I haven’t progressed past 5 weeks in my last pregnancies so my doctor put me on a low dose of levothyroxine so I’m hoping this will help this baby progress. ❤️🤞🏽 It’s so hard to be excited when every time I go to the bathroom I’m worried I’ll see any sign of bleeding. I’ll be going back in for bloodwork to see if my HCG levels are rising. Wishing all you other mommas due in April 2023 a safe pregnancy! ✨💖