TTC and Pregnancy Q&A

I have finally got my BFP! šŸ„³ Thought it would be cool to have a Q&A session - Iā€™m an open book (since Iā€™m posting privately), so feel free to ask me ANYTHING. I will be as honestly as I possibly can.

Iā€™ll answer questions as an update, to keep my identity anonymous šŸ˜ (in case there are some awkward/embarrassing questions), so donā€™t forget to check back!


@Jena - It took us 3 cycles (not long in the grand scheme of things) but felt like a lifetime. OPKs and bbt helped as well as fertility lube and conception vitamins.

What I will say, is in my previous cycles trying, I did the whole elevated legs thing. This cycle I did NOT! Iā€™m not saying it hindered my chances by putting my legs up but that it clearly didnā€™t help since Iā€™m pregnant without doing it.