Braxton Hicks vs. Real Contractions ?

L 💕✨ • 🌈 💚 Momma to Nora 01.15.19 | Baby Brother coming 11.17.2022 🐻💙

With my first pregnancy, I never experienced any Braxton Hicks or real contractions! We scheduled a c-section for 39 weeks due to her being breech so I never experienced any labor symptoms!

I have been having some cramping/tightening across my lower abdomen and across the entire abdomen sometimes too. It feels like period cramping or even cramping like when you need to use the restroom. So since this is new to me and I’m only 26 weeks, I’m wondering whether I need to be sending a message to my OB or just not worrying about it?!

I’ve googled and still don’t feel confident that I know what I’m feeling or what to look for lol. Any advice or personal stories or what your experience was?!