Might possibly be out for the month


So I’m around 4 weeks 5 days. Had an ultrasound yesterday and they didn’t see anything in my uterus. My hc was 82 the 9th, 314 the 11th and 4651 today (the 17th). So they should have been able to see baby yesterday I would have thought. (Hcg has to be at least 2000 is what they said). So I talked with ob today. She said that the lining of my uterus was thick. So it could be too early in the pregnancy to see but with my number like that we should have possibly saw something. So she’s leaning towards a possibility of a miscarriage or it could be twins because that can happen as well especially with my numbers so high. I go back Friday for another blood draw and then go the 31st to confirm what’s going on… prayers and baby dust it is the miscarriage. With my age it’s a higher possibility since I’m 36.