
Katy • 27, Married, Boy Mom to Thomas John Herron 💕4💕12💕23💕

So I had the cancel my 8 week appointment that was supposed to be Tuesday due to them telling me I have to pay them $236 to be seen not the $60 they originally told me that’s be my copayment because the state I live in hasn’t paid my Medicare deductible for 2022 as of yet I already paid the dr office $150.42 the 3rd of this month. I’m on disability so yes the state always pays my deductible. I’m stressed because I’ve had miscarriage and a ruptured ectopic in the past. So far so good with this pregnancy.

Anyways I’ve made a health department appointment for 9/7/22 at 10:00 am for a pregnancy test and to get set up with Right from the Start Program ( I live in Georgia USA). So the reason for this post is what do I say or do when I go to it? Do I just do like I would at a normal dr office tell them what I’m there for and sign in and wait my turn? I’ve also already applied for Medicaid so that’s out of the way. I just need advice and friends right now from women who’ve gone through this. I’m just worried about my double rainbow baby.