Mother in law



So my mother in law told me that I’m not allowed to have a baby shower this time around yet I need things I’m have a baby that’s the complete opposite gender and honestly didn’t receive all the things I need last time. So I’m hoping that if I spread what I need out that maybe just maybe I’ll be able to get it.

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Posted at
(I’m not being mean what so ever I’m saying asking) why tf does she have a say/or choose if u have a baby shower for your child???
(I’m not being mean what so ever I’m saying asking) why tf does she have a say/or choose if u have a baby shower for your child???


Alicia • Aug 22, 2022
DONT invit3 her lol


Alicia • Aug 22, 2022
Wtf who is she to tell u not to have a baby shower girl fuck that ,its your choice not hers what she needs to do is butt out your business, its YOUR baby. Dont let her run u over ,u have to put your foot down now or else when baby is here she's going to want to take over and that's unacceptable.


Sabrina • Aug 22, 2022
Ohhhhhk, well make invites send them out to whoever u want to come pick a location or spot n have a registry people can access fuck her it’s not her kids nor is she helping u get what u need. I’d have a huge shower without her 🤷🏻‍♀️


Posted at
And just like that I would be having 7 baby showers 😂 you do you girl.


Posted at
I've had a baby shower with each of mine. My first 2 are girls and only 2 years apart and still had stuff from my oldest. I didn't see a problem having a shower with my 2nd... And my 3rd was a boy and 7 years later, so I definitely had a shower then. This pregnancy was unplanned, but definitely a blessing, and it's 7 years after my son. I'm definitely having a shower this time around since I was under the impression that I couldn't have anymore kids 😱😅


Posted at
I always heard if it’s a different gender you get a shower.


Posted at
I had 2 baby showers for my first and 3 for my second but one was a work one my coworkers threw me. Now for my third I’m gonna have a sprinkle because I want to celebrate the baby but I don’t need or want any gifts. I will do a diaper raffle though cause those I do need lol. You do you and don’t let anyone make you feel bad


Posted at
I think it is completely valid to have a baby shower for every child you have. You aren’t just expecting people to drop by gifts. It’s just like any other party where you provide food/snacks, drinks, and socializing. I think the idea of only being allowed one with your first is so outdated! I would just tell her that she’s too old and needs to get with the times🤣


Posted at
Idk why tf mother in law’s act like this. SMH. You have a baby shower if you want!!


Posted at
I had a bay shower for my first, but not my second. Both were boys and my family was very generous with hand-me-downs and buying gifts for both babies. More $ for the second than gift which we out in his college fund. This is my third (a girl) and although (to my knowledge) my family and friends will not be giving me a baby shower, my work has decided to throw me a “sprinkle” for this baby. Generally, you have a shower for your first and not for your subsequent pregnancies, however, the sprinkle is becoming more and more popular, especially for a different gender baby. Do whatever you want to do. If she doesn’t want to attend, that’s her problem. If you don’t want to have a shower or sprinkle, I would send out baby announcements with the registry link on the back. You never know, someone might send something.