

Ya'll I'm really hoping this is the month I'm finally pregnant!!

We've been trying for over 3 years. I just turned 34 August 2nd and I'm really hoping for this as a late birthday gift! I have endometriosis and if I get a negative this month, I will be having my second surgery in a month or 2 to yet again increase our chances.

But this month we did our 2nd <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>! I'm 10dpo and couldn't help but test today and of course it was negative, but I'm having pregnancy symptoms. My breasts are more sore than they've ever been. I've been getting headaches here and there (1-2 times a day). Cramps on and off. Nausea if I go too long without eating. I've been extra tired too!

Then there's my precious cat! She has been extra clingy and extra protective of me! She won't let any other animal near me when she used to at least be OK with dogs. She follows me and won't cuddle with anyone else. Even if she isn't actually sleeping on me, she's sleeping right near me and she always has to be able to see me. Guarding the doorway when I'm in the bathroom,, etc.

I go get an HCG blood test on Friday and I really hope with everything in me that this time we finally get a positive result.

My last blood test to confirm ovulation showed that my other hormones were so good that the nurse originally thought I was taking estrogen and progesterone supplements!

Send me all the positive vibes and thoughts!

And I'd love to hear your experiences and/or opinions of my experiences.
