Question and advice regarding inductions, and how long after did you go into labour.


Hi guys, FTM and currently 35 + 3. I had my routine scan today, I have them monthly.

Estimate weight is 4lbs 7oz

Estimate length is 13 inches

I've now been told I need a scan every week, for two weeks and they'll decide whether it is worth inducing me, as they believe he isn't growing as fast as he should.

In 4 weeks, he only put on 1lbs (I know these are just estimates).

So bearing in mind I had a scan today, they're going to scan again on Thursday. This seems silly, how much do they expect him to grow in a day and half? Then the next scan will be on the 1st September. (Due date is 25th).

So really, I'm wondering whether it's the right option to be induced at around 37 weeks, or should I tell them no, I want to continue to full term as much as possible. I've previously had a gastric bypass, so I'm already classed as high risk, and it is common to have a smaller than average baby.

Another question is, how long after you're induced, can it take to go into labour? Not sure if this useful information, but they said at 32 weeks my cervix was short, I think something like 2.7cm.. it was closed. But now it is open, I believe around 1cm.

Any advice or experiences appreciated.