Bowel movements 6weeks 4 days


Hi. This is my third pregnancy and it seems as if I’m pooping a lot considering I didn’t have these symptoms during my other pregnancies. At first It was watery but now it’s very soft and sometimes I poop a whole lot at one time. I believe my pooping changed once I started staking my prenatal which was the second day after I tested positive. My Dr said it was common to poop a lot as long as it wasn’t diarrhea or an excessive amounts per day. I can say I poop about three times a day now. However, before pregnancy I always ate a lot of fruit which is high in fiber but I still haven’t had bowel movements like this and on top of that I’m always hungry. I knows it’s crazy to here that’s considering I’m pregnant but the cravings are massive. I could eat now and in about an hour or so I’m hungry again. Have any of you ladies experienced this? Just wanted some insight because this is fairly new to me . Thanks 🙂