I am a woman. For the past 2 years i’ve had no drive to be a woman or do woman things . I don’t have no drive / don’t feel like doing my hair , putting on makeup, or dressing up nice. I do Sometimes i do forget to even brush my teeth because i just stay in bed all day or sleeping . Im pregnant so going out is not a option with a big ass stomach. I have had issues with depression in the past , but is this a mental thing ? I am insecure in myself ,I don’t get my nails or toes done and sometimes i barely want to cook. I neglect myself medically as well knowing im not suppose to but the care is not there . Does anyone have any advice that i can follow ? Anything you write or tell yourself everyday ? I dont know who to turn to, im uncomfortable with telling this to my family which is why im bringing it here . Someone help please , my boyfriend is very supportive and i dont want to loose him over a woman who does all the things i dont do materialistically.