Is this manipulation…

I told the guy that I’ve been seeing for several months now that

“I understand that you’re busy and I understand that we can’t text on the phone all the time and that’s not really what I am asking of you. I would just like at least one text that says hey I hope your days going great or whatever so I’m not feeling ignored when you go days without texting me” 

His response was

“oh I’m so sorry that you have to be the one that messages me first, like what do you want me to say? I work and go home. I mean what’s it matter anyways I’m always doing something wrong, so why should I even care to message you? I either don’t you text enough or tell you to much or to little”

I responded “I am a little confused by your response, all I was saying was I feel ignored when I am not hearing from you for days and days and days all I was asking was that you take two seconds out of your day to just say hey what’s up so I’m not feeling ignored”

He responded with “see always doing something wrong I’m busy I work and I go home. I already spent 12 years with somebody who always made me feel like I’m doing something wrong and I’ll tell you this right now I’m not gonna do it again”

So I responded with I’m sorry I understand you’re busy, it was wrong of me to ask you when I did ask you. It’s just that sometimes I get a little confused on your feelings and I feel like you’re not interested when days and days and days go by and I don’t hear from you or you don’t respond to me but it’s fine it’s whatever I’m so sorry for bothering you”

Was he being manipulative?

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